Nerd Cons in Brum: MCM Birmingham Comic Con, Spring 2016

By the time this comes out, the juggernaut that is The MCM  Group will have left the NEC once again, only to return in Autumn. Last time I attended the convention, I got rather huffy over of going on a Saturday (the very idea!) as the last time I did it was far too noisy for my delicate sensibilities. Well, I decided to throw caution to the wind and go there yesterday (I considered going on both days, but my wallet protested most vociferously).

Well, it seems my fears were (mostly) unfounded. True, there were a few times where the aisle I happened to be in resembled Spaghetti Junction in the late afternoon, but for the most part the crowds stayed on the right side of “busy”, and everyone was having a good time, which is as it should be. As for the price hike in tickets, that was ameliorated by simply buying one online – this meant I “only” spent £11, instead of the downright extortionate £15 I had to fork over last time. Continue reading

100 All-Time Greatest Comics… Improved: An Interlude


I thought now would be as good a time as any to explain my own thought processes behind this odd little case of editing after the fact. As I keep saying, this publication isn’t a bad list… it’s just quite frustrating. There are some genuinely amazing comics in there… and there are some bloody odd ones too, and I don’t mean the nice kind of “odd”. I’ve been quite nice so far, but there’s going to be at least one update in the near future where that won’t be the case. Continue reading