The Ten Commadamwestments

I was having a clearout of all my stuff, and I happened across some notes I’d written down years ago, apparently as part of some free writing exercise. I’l share the one thing I wrote from that period (slightly edited) that I’m actually rather proud of.

Thou shalt have no other Caped Crusaders

Thou shalt not mock tights, or a joyfully camp tone

Do not bear grudges against those who do mock, for you know their laughter is empty

Thou may use “Bat-” as a prefix, but not for everything, for there is a limit

Remember the 1966 movie, and keep it in your DVD library

Honour thy Alfred and thy Aunt Harriet

Thou shalt not kill, but using the Batzooka against thine enemies is fine

Thou shalt not consort with Catwoman, for that is just asking for trouble, old chum

Covet no other Batmobiles, because when you look for a suitable parking space, it will not be there

Thou shalt not steal, even if thee send riddles beforehand

Comics and The Olympics

Rio 2016 is coming along quite nicely, and it’s had quite a few surprises, including Kosovo’s first medal amongst others. As with any long-standing institution with a good reputation, comic books have tried to cash in on the hype train.

Okay, “cash in” is putting it a bit strongly, but there is usually an increase of sports-related stories in comics whenever The Olympics is running. As you’d expect, listing all of them would be an exhaustive (and exhausting) task, so I’ll just list the ones I like best. Continue reading

Nerd Cons in Brum: UK Games Expo 2016

I make my way out of Birmingham International Airport, having just touched down after a few hours flying from Malaga. After stopping for a mediocre egg mayonnaise sandwich from Spar, I make my way to the NEC via the airport’s Air-Rail Link. Making my way down the escalator and past an overpriced Wetherspoons, I catch sight of those three little words that always set my heart aflutter…



Expo. Continue reading

Twang!: Robin Hood in modern-day media

Recently, I came across Robin Hood by Jim Bradbury; a surprisingly informative read detailing the historical facts from the Robin Hood legend, mostly by looking at the ballads, poems and plays starring (or at least mentioning) Robin Hood. In that respect, it’s an excellent and concisely told book.

RHBradbury Continue reading

Nerd Cons in Brum: MCM Birmingham Comic Con, Spring 2016

By the time this comes out, the juggernaut that is The MCM  Group will have left the NEC once again, only to return in Autumn. Last time I attended the convention, I got rather huffy over of going on a Saturday (the very idea!) as the last time I did it was far too noisy for my delicate sensibilities. Well, I decided to throw caution to the wind and go there yesterday (I considered going on both days, but my wallet protested most vociferously).

Well, it seems my fears were (mostly) unfounded. True, there were a few times where the aisle I happened to be in resembled Spaghetti Junction in the late afternoon, but for the most part the crowds stayed on the right side of “busy”, and everyone was having a good time, which is as it should be. As for the price hike in tickets, that was ameliorated by simply buying one online – this meant I “only” spent £11, instead of the downright extortionate £15 I had to fork over last time. Continue reading

100 All-Time Greatest Comics… Improved: Yet another interlude

I’ve talked about the main problem I have with the list Imagine Publishing came up with several times, and I figured now would be as good a time as any to bring it up now; some of the comics just aren’t that great. Not that they’re bad (but there are a few of those, which I’ll get to later on) but they just don’t qualify as all-time greats.

I mean, I understand softballing people who are new to comics (incidentally, everyone who worries about picking up a comic halfway through the story… don’t. Comics nowadays are very considerate about bringing johnny-come-latelys up to speed, and DC and Marvel have their own wikis, so just look up the previous issue if you’re confused). But there’s a difference between going easy and just going for the safe option. Continue reading

Nerd Cons in Brum: MCM Birmingham Comic Con

While it’s perhaps the most well-known geeky convention in the West Midlands (local press showing up to photograph the best cosplayers doesn’t hurt) Birmingham Comic Con can be a victim of its own success; they’ve had to rent out a nearby hall just so people can queue to get in. On top of that, I’ve had to stop going on Saturdays, because frankly it’s just too busy on its first day for an old duffer like me. In my defence, the last time I went on a Saturday I was in a human traffic jam for the majority of my visit.

However, I’m not being entirely fair to MCM. They’ve clearly revised their layout plans since then to give far more room for congoers to walk about, without sacrificing floor space for vendors of neat stuff that actually comes from Japan, you guys. Continue reading